Get Involved

Consider becoming a supporter with the Orchard today, and help “Save the Good Stuff.”  


The mission of the Altapass Foundation, Inc. is to 

preserve the history, heritage, and culture of the Blue Ridge Mountains; 

protect the underlying orchard land with its apples, wetlands, butterflies, and other natural features;

and educate the public about the Appalachian experience.

Program Sponsors

Program Sponsors for education and entertainment—music, pollinator garden, fields, heritage exhibitions—become part of the Orchard legacy to protect the land, preserve the history, and educate the people about this region’s wealth.

Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund for the Historic Orchard at Altapass Foundation allows us to continue to plan for long-term conservation, education, and other fundamental strategies, which are at the heart of our mission and our future.

General Fund

The General Fund is a way to help support our ongoing operations, maintenance, renovations, and necessary upgrades to the property and buildings. Donating to the General Fund allows us to use the monies where they’re needed most.

Legacy Fund

Remember lifting up your grandchild so they could pick a ripe, red apple off a tree at the Orchard. You can help ensure that their grandchildren will be able to walk in the same fields and pick an apple from the same tree. Make a Legacy donation. Contact the executive director, Beth Hilton, 828-765-9531, or email her for more information about this timeless opportunity.

Volunteer Opportunities

The Orchard at Altapass would not exist without volunteer involvement. Because we are a not-for-profit organization, your help is essential to our being able to offer visitors an experience of sight, smells, tastes, and even sounds—the train, the tractor in the fields, the bees buzzing, the chirping of baby barn swallows.

From overseeing the sampling section or making caramel apple treats to working outside in the nursery or pollinator garden, volunteers are needed. Or does working in the office suit your style?

Whether you have a few hours or a few days to lend a hand—once, once a week, or once a month, we gladly extend ours to you in welcoming your commitment to the Orchard and its mission.
Give us a call, 828-765-9531 or email for more information.

The Orchard at Altapass is proud to acknowledge the support of our sponsors, business members, and partners. These organizations and individuals provide funding through grants, sponsorships, individual contributions, and donated professional services, which allow us to continue our mission. 

Our Funders

Eric L. Gressel Family . George M Cohen Foundation

Our Partners

Blue Ridge Bridge Club . Sourwood Apple Apiaries